Rally for Trans Youth

Sunday, September 24

Rally and March 11 am - 1 pm

Manitoba Legislature

All Saints and the Diocese of Rupert’s Land stand with support our Trans and Queer friends, neighbours, and siblings.

The recent 1 Million March 4 Children was a direct attack on 2SLGBTQIA+ people in Canada, and was designed to spread homophobia, transphobia, misinformation, and hate.

More information about the anti-lgbtq march and who is supporting it: antihate.ca/1_million_march_4_children

Frustratingly, the march is at the same time as our Sunday worship service, but we are nonetheless encouraging those who feel called to do so to attend this rally. The 9 am service and the 4 pm evensong are options if you miss the 11 am service!

There is no place for hate in Canada, or in God’s Kingdom.


Movie Afternoon - The Prince of Egypt


St. Mary Magdalene Church Garage Sale